Friday, July 31, 2009

Fresh Air

A warm wind is blowing in some fresh air from the WSW (240 degrees) at 12 MPH gusting to 23 MPH! The fire however is still burning and at anytime we could be in the smoke again.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

It's Back

Smoke drifted back into town during the night and a red glowing sun greeted me this morning at the bus stop.

1.5 miles of visibility at the airport and from the office window I can just make out the edge of the tree line where the airport is located.

The worlds largest firefighting aircraft has come to the rescue, so they say. Evergreen International Aviation converted Boeing 747-100, dubbed the Evergreen Supertanker.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

A Little Relief

We have received a little relief from the smoky skies and can see the mountains today. The layer of dark at the base of the mountains is smoke from the wildfires to the south of town. No rain in sight yet ~ perhaps soon.

Remember Your First Vehicle

1992 Ford Ranger
Youngest is the second owner
Low miles for a 17 year old truck

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Mid-Summer Sun

Sunrise 4:39 a.m.
Sunset 11:14 p.m.

Moon rise 4:46 p.m.
Moon set 10:25 p.m.

78 degrees Fahrenheit
Hot smoky day.

Good Morning

3.8 Magnitude
4:13 a.m. ADST ~ Alaska Daylights Savings Time

Monday, July 20, 2009

Captain Morgan

Every generation will look into the mirror to see just how the hat they are wearing fits. What does it look like? Do I look cool? Does it look better worn backwards? Nope forwards and straight on. All the while the parent watches from a sideways glance. A smile of approval at the final choice.
Photo of the youngest after his friend and him painted their rival high schools rock with their school colors and a play on words (a yearbook misprint three years back ~ funny to those who have graduated in the past few years and to this years graduating class).

Sunday, July 19, 2009

In The Night

Lip quivers with loneliness
Shoulder aches with longing
Immured in a vacant room
Divest of all my clothing
I am exposed

Senses reel from the vivid
Images of the night’s dream
The vision chroma
The taste satiates
I have breathed you in

You have indulged me
I accept without reluctance


Written by Julia Mist D'June ~ July 2009

Thursday, July 16, 2009

New & Finished Projects

Finished Project: Tile Trivet for Mom

Finished Project: Tile trivet for my kitchen made from the
tiles we purchased in the Azores summer 2007.

New Project: A recently acquired old ~ and I mean old ~ trunk from the
land of the Norwegians and the Swedes ~ Minnesota.
I am still pondering how to make progress.
But I think I can do something with this antique.
By antique I mean old & busted.

Thank you Lisa for having a garage sale.
Thank you Uncle John for letting it
ride from MN to IA in the boat.
Thank you Pops for packaging it up
and getting here as excess baggage.

For the Husband


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Smoke & Weather

Smoky here for the past two day ~ thick choking smoke filled air. Smoke is due to wildfires in the Interior of Alaska. We are seeing a bit of relief with light rain showers.

Today's weather: PAFA 151953Z 36008KT 7SM SCT025 BKN040 OVC080 16/12 A3005 RMK AO2 RAE46 SLP180 FU

PAFA 151739Z 1518/1624 35008G15KT 4SM -SHRA FU SCT030 BKN060

-SHRA FU (light rain showers, smoke)

I totally agree..FU ~ unhealthy smoke!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009