Friday, May 29, 2009

Who are we? And other things I have learned today

Who are we? If we are not seeking to expand ~ we are dead.

Even if you think it's funny others still get mad at you.
Laugh but remember your audience.

Formality is at a minimum. Individuality is at a maximum.
Have a good mix of both in your life.

Keep trying the same thing ~ perhaps it will work this time!
If it is not working ~ make a change.

Learning is a community activity.
Remember to think of others.

Humans ~ what makes us different is our social skills.
Practice good human social skills.

Have you ever been to a meeting where some knuckle head said something dumb, and someone else agrees and the meeting goes terribly wrong?
Don't be a knuckle head or a follower of a knuckle head.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Wedding Day for Mike & Ashley May 23, 2009

51 cups of batter
32 cups of icing
33 eggs
12 pounds of powered sugar
4 pounds of butter
1 1/2 cups milk
1/4 cup vanilla

The top is carrot cake for the groom.
The middle section is chocolate.
The bottom and the sheet cake are vanilla.

May you both be blessed with happiness and
joy that over spills into every corner of your lives.

Earthquake on Saturday Morning

Magnitude 3.6 might seem small but it was close to home so it felt stronger, especially since it was 5:30 a.m.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


To be able to confess to someone else, or should I say to be able to fess up to someone that you have made a mistake is a trait that we all do not possess. As a parent when you have discovered that your child has stolen candy from the store you teach them right from wrong and escort them back to the store to apologize and to pay for the candy.

The same standard is upheld when your child is mean to another. In the form of mean words spoken to another child or pushing them on the play ground. The parent instills in their child the lesson of right and wrong. To have a sense of regret for having harmed someone else.

There is the act of asking for forgiveness. There is in return the act of accepting said forgiveness.

How is it that when we grow up some people do not have this trait instilled in them? Did they forget? Did they have terrible parents? Are they just mean jerks who do not care one iota about anyone else or their feelings? All good questions to ponder.

If you make a mistake by all means be apologetic, ask forgiveness and if you must eat humble pie.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

May We Dance?

Public display of inward affection. That chance to gaze into their eyes, that chance to be held ~ to hold another. A small amount of life is taken up by meaningful moments. Most of them are over before they truly got their start.

Life is interrupted by meaningful moments. Each of these fill our hearts to the overflowing. The point of no return. Each moment is a jewel. Could I fill a crown with these jewels? Could you?

Does your voice mimic the happiness that is or is not in your heart? Can others hear your happiness? Does the step in your dance sing to the joy of meaningful moments?

Trust in these moments to carry us throughout life until the next interruption. Might my presence in your life lead to that overflowing of heart.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Great Moments

Those moments that bring uncontrollable smiles. A grin from ear to ear. Cheesy! Joyful! Moments when another complements your young adult son for being so very thoughtful. Moments when someone tells you are you beautiful. When the word beautiful is used in the purest sense, as they only know a few adjectives in English. Moments spent visiting with friends ~ someone you admire dearly.

It has been a day filled with great moments. Here is to this day spilling over into the evening on this glorious spring day. May your evening be teeming with everything you need and more.