When I was young and living in a coma, I was not the man of my word that I have grown to become. Youth and grand intentions do not always blend. A persons reputation is built on others knowledge that you are someone who will follow through. It is important to have the wisdom to know when you have reached this age of recognition. The age of follow through. The age of man and his word. The firm truthful handshake of sincerity and honesty. The hand shake of follow through.
It is my hope that my sons will reach this age years before I did, so that they will have a head start on being that man of his word.
You are succeeding eloquently at this! Sincerity, Honesty, Truthfulness, Respect, Love and Happiness amid trials I did truly feel and hear in the handshakes, hugs and voices of your sons recently! A very proud parent you should be. Indeed!!
Cousin Roger