Tuesday, October 28, 2008

End of Introduction ~ Getting Down to Business

Grief and loss: we have all been educated on how to acquire things. We have been taught how to get an education, job, buy a house, etc. There are colleges, universities, trade schools, and technical schools. You can take a course in virtually anything that might interest you.

What education do we receive about dealing with loss? Loss is more predictable and inevitable than gain, and yet we are woefully ill prepared to deal with loss. What type of examples have our parents and family members been on how to sort through the conflicting feelings caused by a significant emotional loss?

Killer cliches: Time heals all wounds. You should be over it by now. You have to keep busy.

What other killer cliches have you heard?

How can we, as parents, better prepare our children?


Monday, October 27, 2008

Juniperus brevifolia


Juniperus brevifolia
 (Azores Juniper
) is a species of juniper that is endemic to the the Azores. A little know paradise to most of us, the Azores hold a critical place in the history of the Americas. The island of Terceira is the third in the chain of eight and I happen to think that being third is one of the best places to be.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Together At Last


Juniper berries have long been used as medicine by many cultures around the globe as well as in Scandinavian cuisine to impart a sharp and clear flavor. They are a symbol of longevity, strength, athleticism, and fertility.

A short study of mistletoe in junipers concluded that more juniper berries sprouted in stands where mistletoe is present. The mistletoe attracts berry-eating birds which also eat the juniper berries creating an interaction that leads to greater diversity.

Together at last the mistletoe and juniper will live a long and happy life!


Friday, October 24, 2008

What is in a title?

MJPost 2008-10-24-Image of the mistletoe leaves

The titles we choose can say something about the author, mine has a bit of a double meaning. My dear friend and fellow blogger has tons to do with my blogs name and its inspiration as she is quite a word smith. 

Kissing under the mistletoe ~ fitting as the season is upon us. Kissing under the mistletoe derives from Norse myths. It is the plant of peace in Scandinavian antiquity, if enemies met by chance beneath mistletoe in the forest, they laid down their arms and maintained a truce until the next day.

Mistletoe has long been regarded as an aphrodisiac and fertility herb. It also bears fruit at the time of the winter solstice, the birth of the New Year.


Here We Go

Getting started on something new can be an awkward choice. To be or not to be a blogger? The question we all have asked ourselves.

Well here I go ready or not! This wave waits for no one.
