Saturday, May 29, 2021

Golden Gate Bridge & Family

Image of the Golden Gate Bridge

Image of the Golden Gate Bridge
Image of family masked social distancing

There is no toll for vehicles crossing over the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco north to Sausalito, they let you leave the city for free but you have to pay the toll to cross the bridge to get back into San Francisco. The price for the entertainment value is well worth it, however if you had to cross the bridge every day for work I could see how that would be cumbersome.

Our first night on holiday we met up with my cousins to share a meal and visit together. They are from the bay area and have lived in California most of their lives but our family roots are grown in the Iowa farmland. Our evening spent together was pure joy to my soul! 

Oh, and crossing the Golden Gate Bridge is as cool as they say! It is a manmade marvel that everyone should drive over at least once in their life.


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