Friday, March 12, 2021

Ol' Man Winters Last Hurrah

Birch trees in the snow

What are you seeking little birds? As you flit around the tree branches in the blustery snow. Surely the last of the fall seeds have been eaten, and the bare limbs have sparse shelter to offer you. Yet still you gather among the birch and peck at the branches. You fluff your feathers and guard yourself from the wind, best you can, all the while chatting between yourselves in your cheery way. I am glad that the winter storm has not kept you away from my view, and am filled with joy watching you go about your morning tasks.

A snow storm rolled into Anchor-town yesterday and has proven itself worthy, leaving several inches of fresh snow to be blown around to every nook and cranny. Somewhat of a welcome sight for me, even though most would wish for the green of spring to hurry up and get here, I have always enjoyed Ol’ Man Winters last hurrah.

Spring is sure to arrive. We will ride bikes in the sunshine and take hikes in the rain. But for today I will watch the snow blanket my view, swirl amidst the trees, and the little birds perform their song and dance.


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