Monday, December 21, 2020

Merry Christmas


Greetings to our dear friends and family

Lord love a duck, it has been an extraordinary year. Bizarre, novel, and uniquely barbed. One filled with new balancing acts, transitions of Herculean effort, and gifts that came in irregular shaped boxes. There was a quietness that came into our world as we hunkered down, and learned to properly wash our hands as well as our groceries. The tick of the clock and the day of the week became irrelevant. We lost all interest in knowing where we were in the time space continuum. We became one with our homes, one with ourselves, and one with some strong truths. Truths that signaled change, what we once thought was inconceivable became our new daily normal.

This year for us marked a whopper of a landing at a dream job. We made it on board the aircraft just as they made the final boarding announcements and closed the cabin doors. It has been a slow ascent towards consolidation, and the time invested has earned Josh a solid seat in the Airbus 320. And as we continue our flight plan slow and steady up to 35,000 feet we count our blessings and good fortune to have made our connecting flight.

The year 2020 holds a different story for each of us, our wish for you is that your story carries more blessings than you ever thought possible. And that you find the gifts you received amid this chaotic year, worthy of making the list.

While we all zoom ourselves into the future may our hearts be filled with joy and all our deeds be for a good cause.

  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year



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