Friday, July 10, 2020

Let our Summer Adventures Begin

It has been a while since I posted, my j-o-b has been tremendously busy - thank you pandemic for adding your layers of confusion and change to my work day - this too shall pass but until that happens we took a much-needed holiday. Away from the work computer, away from the sound of the bustling city streets (yup Anchorage is as busy as every - woof), and away from cell service. 

Living in Alaska it is fairly easy to get off the beaten path and be socially distanced from people and world events. Not that we wish to ignore the important changes that are happening, we do not, and in fact we actively engage in the positive change taking place around us. It is good for the soul to be away. To reflect. To armor up. We did just that, and day one the south side of the Alaska Range shined gloriously.

We have been filled up. We are blessed to live in a state that offers so much glory, and aim not to take that for granted.

Have a great weekend my friends, and power on fighting the good fight.


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