Monday, July 22, 2019


Questioning our beliefs, quite probably, is the single most effective practice to bring about positive change in our lives.

It can be an amazing revelation to discover that many of the things we have believed all our lives simply may not be true.

"I believe I missed my chance." Are you sure this is true?

"I could never leave home, move across the country to attend school or start a new job." I think you are underestimating your true courage.

"I could never leave a job working for a steady paycheck and try something new." I ask you, is this really true?

The past few weeks I have been given the opportunity to ask myself what beliefs I thought I held true and which ones are worthy of change.

Worry and fear can a be a guiding force for our personal beliefs, and I am making an earnest effort to change away from fear and turn towards bravery, with a healthy dose of faith. 


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