Monday, December 10, 2018

Tossed & Tumbled

Here are a few photos of the tossed and tumbled items around our home after the earthquake on November 30th.  I cannot stress enough how fortunate we are to have only a few items broken, and that our Anchor-town condo home is structurally sound. The last few photos show items that were previously secured with earthquake putty. You can bet I am going to purchase more of this mighty fine product.

The dresser walked four inches away from the wall.

Check out the picture of Dad and I at the top left of this photo.  It was still on the wire and wedged in between the other photos. Both the dresser and bookshelf are four plus inches away from the wall.

Yup... ouch! AND we can repair the lamp base and will purchase a new glass shade. It will be good as new ~ we are excellent recycling pros!

Eskimo Girl took one for the team and she too is repairable. More on this story soon.

Water splashed out of the toilet tank but not the bowl... strange.

The salt and pepper grinders had a pact to go together, little did they know the jump was not that far and they both will live on to serve another day.

The fork must have been tired of just hanging around.

My Grandma Wink's vase was already on the earthquake putty as was the jar of corks! Hallelujah! 

The photo behind my travel sand jars fell off the shelf but these little beauties (already on the earthquake putty) stayed put.

The items on this shelf were also spared (again) thanks to the earthquake putty! I might have to buy stock in the company, that or be their new advertising spokesperson.


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