Thursday, December 20, 2018

Merry Christmas

Good evening to our dearest friends and relations, we send you love and glad tidings.

The year is drawing to a close, and those of us in the far north have our feet propped up in front of the glowing embers in the fireplace reminiscing over the hay days of the summer. The dark night of winter surrounds the land and the crisp air is both exhilarating and painful, reminding us that life is fragile. These deep breaths of winter help to keep us grounded in hope waiting for the suns return.

The warm sunny days of prosperity and growth always give way to rest and change. The leaves change color and let go of their old life. We harvest the crops and the fields take a well-deserved slumber. In Alaska we can see the stars again and behold the grandeur of our universe. We might feel small in comparison but our kindness toward each other will always loom large having long reaching impact.

The gifts of joy we have received throughout the year will be counted and cataloged, and in the years ahead, when we might see more dark than light in the world, our hearts will overflow with these gifts. The conversations, with those we love, at the supper table, via the interwebs or text messages brighten the dark and lighten our hearts. These positive connections of love, that we all crave, are a necessary ingredient for growth and wellbeing. Thank you to everyone who made time throughout the year to keep in touch, we hope we have returned the favor in kind.

This summer we gained a precious daughter and we gained a family that truly knows the meaning of sharing the love. We look towards the future with happy hearts filled with devotion for each other, and more laughter than our sides can withstand without bursting.

We are forever thankful for our blessings and understand that our losses only make us stronger. We do not have to be grateful for our losses however, we can grow to accept that any pain we feel from them will be soothed and that the salve of time can place peace in our hearts. After all, this too shall pass into oblivion, and all our fears and worries will no longer have a home.

In the days ahead may we all receive the gift of empathy and may we all share the gift of love.

Cheers to you and yours that the next orbit will bring you joy, love, peace, and forgiveness. Merry Christmas, and a blessed New Year.

All our love!


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