Monday, January 8, 2018


Most days we wake to the alarm clock boisterously announcing the hour. We rise out of our beds and proceed with our morning routine all the while keeping an eye on the clock. Then as we head out of the house; we give the clock one more glance to ensure we will have a timely arrival to our destination.

We wear clocks on our wrists, we have clocks on our walls, most likely in every room, there is a clock on the refrigerator, the stove, the microwave, the coffee maker, in our car, and beside our beds. Our phones even tell us the time. We are constantly clock-watching. Everywhere we turn, time bombards us. Keep an eye on me says the clock or you might run out of time.

Is it any wonder that we feel pressure to complete each task with a sense of urgency? Rushing from one chore to the next as quickly as we can, it is a race after all, don’t you know, between you and the clock. Or is it?

What would happen if we did not have so many clocks in our lives, would we be less responsible adults living recklessly? Or would we be able to bow out of the race and set clock-watching aside in an attempt to devote more concentration to the task at hand?

Removing the temptation to clock-watch will give single tasking more focus and further our enjoyment for the simpler pleasures in life.


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