Friday, January 13, 2017

Are you who you thought you would be?

Are you who you thought you would be?

Put aside any thoughts of the job you do that pays the bills, the house you live in or the amount of money in your checking account, these pieces really are not who you are, and these aspects should not be part of the conversation when you ask yourself; are you who you thought you would be?

I guess what I am trying to ask is how do you feel about yourself? From the inside out? How do you feel when you ask yourself this question?

Are you who you thought you would be?

If you do not feel your value, I would next ask; are you taking care of yourself?

Remember you are your greatest asset. Your health, your smile, and the kindness you share with others. Each day you need to give yourself the proper amount of sleep, healthy food, and exercise for your body and mind. The best way to become who you thought you would be is to first start taking care of yourself.

Get some rest, eat a healthy meal, and after a nice long walk, that smile on your face will tell you the right answer.

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