Thursday, September 24, 2015

Peace on Earth Starts within Yourself

Peace on Earth and good will to man, and animals, and plants, and well...peace to all living creatures. There are many aspects of life that each person gravitates to as a focus, as a cause, and if we put them all together and support one another humanity would be well on its way to the next step in a better life for the future generations.

"Peace is the most misunderstood word in the dictionary. Mr. Gandhi noted that most people believe that "peace" means "the absence of war," when in fact, it means "living in harmony with each other." He believes that peace will never be achieved until we all -- each of us -- undergo a personal transformation. He emphasized that nonviolence as a form of conflict resolution is only part of the philosophy -- it is primarily about personal transformation."

From the same post on the chookooloonks blog and something that hits home with me:

"He believes we're not here by accident -- we are here to fulfill a purpose. He talked about "trusteeship," as espoused by his grandfather: we all have talents -- each and every one of us -- but we feel like we own the talent or gift. The Mahatma believed that we don't own them, but rather we are trustees of the talent, and we are called upon to use these talents for the benefit of others."

Peace be with you my friends. Today! Tomorrow! Always!

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