Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Farewell Ecuador

As adventures go this one was truly something to write home about, and there is a deep meaning in the phrase "It was memories for a lifetime". While on this adventure I experienced a world so foreign to me and at the same time a place that was comfortably familiar. Foreign in the way the sun was directly overhead and tipped ever so slightly to the Northern Hemisphere that it caused my directional gyro to be off center. Which is particularly unnerving to my navigational self. The precision with which the sun rose and set, 6:13 a.m. to 6:12 p.m. each and every day with only the waning and waxing of the moon to guide the passing of time.

The amount of people you would meet on the streets within a short space of time and distance, 2.6 million people call Quito home and there is not an inch of earth in this area that is untouched by man. Quito is a major historic city to its very core.

What was comfortable were the smiling faces of the children, those that are young enough to know not any of the hardships of life. Children who would grin an honest grin at your greeting and cooful hellos.

Traveling opens your heart to the very kindness and humanity in each of us and opens your eyes to plights that have stricken and befall man in his darkest hour. Traveling is a gift, a blessing to partake in, and I am forever grateful each time we head out on an adventure.

May all the world shine bright white against the blue sky as you explore your world near and far.


jakesirevaag said...

So amazing. You had an wonderful adventure this summer! Thanks for sharing your journey with us. I've been working on a book/portfolio this summer. I hope one day I can show it to you like you shared your Ireland book with me.

Julia Mist DJune said...

Glad you enjoyed the summer adventure recap. I would love to see your portfolio, next time we are headed to FAI I will let you know, our families can have lunch together.

jakesirevaag said...

Great idea!