Monday, June 8, 2015


The lack of harmony that appears to be prevalent in the United States of America today is not a new story. Nor is it new to the human race. The good news is we are enlightened enough in this day and age that we know (or should know) that where one person’s rights end is the beginning of another person rights.

Each day we, as humanity, get closer to the day when we can all live in harmony. A day where we ALL have a place in society, where the young, the elders, the physically handicapped, and intellectually handicapped are accepted and cherished for the gifts we ALL bring to the table (using descriptive labels – but I dislike the need for labels as a way to describe a person, but I understand if they are used respectfully, are okay).

This day, that is to come, will start with our children and by protecting those who need our guidance and caring. When we do this we are contributing to that next generation of honest, nonjudgmental people who are of good moral character, and who will see other people as people and not labels. These children will grow and change the world, yet again, for the better and break the cycles of abuse and bullying, which is a key to a healthier future.


Feeling brave for stepping out on a limb and sharing my thoughts.  

What have you done today that makes you feel brave?


Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing! You obviously have the right formula and ideas for raising kids. Look how GREAT Drew and Bretten turned out. They are wonderful...kind, compassionate, intelligent and handsome!! Great job!! Love to all!!! MomnBob xoxoxoxoxoxo

Julia Mist DJune said...

Thank you. That means a lot. Tons back.