Thursday, December 4, 2014


Are you a dandelion or an orchid? Or are you somewhere in between? I would gather that most of us are both, given the variety of circumstances we find ourselves standing at during different times in our lives.

Dandelions are known to be resilient and feisty plants that seem to grow and flourish under all sorts of conditions. They thrive in deficiency or surfeit of resources such as water or sunlight. They seem to be able to take whatever is thrown their way and succeed.

Orchids on the other hand have the reputation of being difficult to grow, tough to make bloom, and downright problematic to propagate from division or seed. Most of us that have tried to keep orchids as house plants have found them to be a bit of a challenge. It can be a comfort to know that even for a few professional growers some orchid varieties are almost impossible to encourage to grow and bloom.

So are you an orchid or a dandelion or somewhere in between? What do you need to grow and flourish?

What makes you resilient?

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