Monday, April 14, 2014

When Packing...

When packing up your belongings to move to a new home, to a new town or perhaps across country, it might be good to remember just how long your old boxes from the last time you moved (17 years ago) have been sitting there unpacked. 1994 was the date on the newspaper, now granted I think I might have used old newspaper but I am fairly certain that box had been packed since fall 1996. GRRR… and I thought I was so good at practicing the less is more program and keeping stuff to a minimum.

Packing = good times!



Anonymous said...

I think I have that same bowl with the fruit at my house. Hope the unpacking is going well, and not overwhelming. Take care. Love you. L

Julia Mist DJune said...

Even out Grandparents had the same tastes, that or there was only so many bowls in town that year. Love you too!