Friday, May 10, 2013

High Five Friday for Her Majesty

To: The Queen of the World
From: Ken

Subject: Your Awesomeness

Your Majesty, 

Might I take a precious moment of your time? I have something very important to tell you...You are awesome, the best at being awesome in fact! Furthermore, I appreciate you very much! You are always so supportive and kind and giving, even being willing to do such things as go to the bank or store on your one-sies (things a Queen should not have to do or deal with)...all on top of being so darn cute and likable. Well I simply must say thank you. Also, if there is anything more I can do for you, please do not hesitate to let me know.

Your humble, loyal and love you always subject,


Julia Mist DJune said...

To Her Majesty’s Loyal Subject: Your modest affirmations of gratitude and love have been well received and are most pleasing to the Queen. All hail the Queen ~ long live the Queen!

What a great way to start a Friday morning ~

Ken said...

High five is right! Glad that my Queen approves.