Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Taking a chance to move forward with your life can be a huge step.  Either an emotional change or a financial one the choices can be mountains of sharp rocks, step wrong and you could get cut deep but keep your footing and the vista just over the top will be breathtaking.

Moving on and letting go of all the past hurts and keeping all the good memories intact is the real trick.  Changes that were not your choice just might be the hardest to navigate. 

Take stock of what and who in your life you hold dear and map your way to a happier future.  There are not any starter kits for life you just have to figure it out as you sail along.


Ken said...

Comment Love! Your posts are always so well written. It is the highlight of my day to check in and see what's new. You are so AWESOME!!

Julia Mist DJune said...

You know how I just love the comment love! Thanks Kenny ~ your the best!