Monday, February 14, 2011


There are things in my daily life that I wish I did not have to be part of, jobs or tasks that look innocent enough but get muddled with bureaucracy, rules and regulations.  Not to mention all those little things that go off beam, take a left turn or just plain do not make sense.  At times these little things add up to something bigger then ourselves and we see our world around us changing and morphing into a place we no longer recognize, a world with more rules, more regulations and incursion into our privacy. 

It sometimes becomes hard to remain strong and not let the doom and gloom seep into our lives or our hearts.  We must remain watchful and correct wrongs that we know we have control over.  We must be steadfast in our faith, do the right thing when the time comes and remember that we are all on this planet together.  It is the same sun that rises and sets no matter where we live in the world.

I aim to be steadfast and constant.

Photo credit goes to a friend who is currently stationed in Iraq.
Thanks for letting me post them and for sharing your view of the world.

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